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Civilization 2 Multiplayer Gold edition latest version: The history and development of the game


Although the game plays well (it is Civilization after all), one feature of the multiplayer game was very annoying. During a hotseat game, the computer will take over for you if it's not your turn and start negotiating on your behalf! Let's say you end your turn and let your friend take the seat and start his. However, you left a unit near his territory. The minute he encounters this unit, the AI will ask for a meeting between your culture and his. You won't even be able to return to the game and start a negotiation. Instead, the computer will do it for you. When I played, it was shocking to suddenly see the AI trade away all my technology and then give typically stupid threats like "We tire of this conversation. Pay us 100 gold in tribute or we will crush you." I would never negotiate like that, let alone give my rival all my goods. Whoever decided to let the AI take over negotiations in a hotseat game must have lost his mind. I'm standing right next to my friend. If there was a split screen on the computer with diplomacy options, we could simply negotiate in person and then finalize it by clicking the proper buttons on the screen.

For gamers unfamiliar with Civilization II, it is a turn-based strategy game where you attempt to lead your people to success by either conquering the world or being the first civilization to have your spaceship reach another planet. You begin the game in 4000 BC with a group of settlers and knowledge of a few early scientific advancements. Civilization II allows you to found cities and manage them through a variety of ways. Contact with other civilizations opens up the game a great deal by allowing alliances to be formed, the trading of advancements and the beginning of conflicts that can lead to war. In Civilization II Multiplayer Gold Edition, players receive the award-winning, classic Civilization II and two add-ons: Conflicts In Civilization and Civ II Fantastic Worlds. Combined with the multiplayer features, the Gold Edition creates the ultimate challenge and the ultimate value in strategic gaming.

Civilization 2 Multiplayer Gold edition latest version


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